2024 FSBPA Annual Conference

Award Information


Are you looking for the opportunity to recognize a colleague or beach preservation advocate for their work on an outstanding project or lifetime achievement?  Look no further. The opportunity to nominate a deserving beach champion for an FSBPA Award is open.  Nominations will be accepted through July 12, 2024.

The Annual Conference Banquet is time-honored tradition where we celebrate careers and toast professional achievements. The Banquet will be held on Thursday evening, September 12, 2024.

To make your nomination, FSBPA Members can email the completed nomination form (award nomination form) and supporting materials to mail@fsbpa.com. Attach supportive materials which you believe merit consideration for an award. Regarding nominations, the Awards Committee is looking for specific activities and accomplishments of your nominee rather than general background. 


Award Categories

Stan Tait & Deborah Flack Award
For truly outstanding contributions in the preservation of Florida's beaches over a period of many years. These contributions may be for political, administrative, scientific, engineering or environmental achievements. This is FSBPA's highest award, named after two of FSBPAs long-time leaders.  Non-Floridians are eligible.

Per Bruun Distinguished Service Award
For significant contributions in the cause of beach preservation. Unlike the Stan Tait & Deborah Flack Award, this can be awarded for a single noteworthy project or accomplishment. This award is named after the first Director of Coastal Engineering, University of Florida and founder of FSBPA in 1957. Non-Floridians are eligible

Bob Dean Coastal Research Award
For outstanding research into beach and coastal processes which contributes to improved beach management and resilient shorelines.  This award is named after the former University of Florida distinguished research professor. Non-Floridians are eligible.

Jim Purpura/T.Y. Chiu Engineering Award
For outstanding contribution to coastal engineering that enhances beach preservation. The award may be in recognition of innovative scientific research or for long term excellence and contributions in coastal engineering. This award is named after the two scientists who pioneered Florida’s coastal construction control line program. Non-Floridians are eligible.

The Richard E. Bonner – Jacqueline J. Keiser Award
Recognizing outstanding service by an individual representing the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.Non-Floridians are eligible.

Local Government Award
For a local government official who has contributed significantly to beach preservation and enhancement. Only Floridians are eligible.

Legislative Award
To the state or national lawmaker who has provided outstanding policy leadership in terms of beach management funding or other program support for managing our beaches. Non-Floridians are eligible.

Suzi Fox Environmental Award
For outstanding contributions toward protection of the coastal environment. Only Floridians are eligible.

Member of the Year Award
To a member of FSBPA, for outstanding service to the association.

Public Service Award
To a public employee whose service reflects admirably on the governmental sector, specifically in the area of beach management and resilience planning. Only Floridians are eligible.

Ralph Sexton Private Citizen Award
For a private citizen who has made a significant contribution to the cause of beach preservation in Florida. Only Floridians are eligible.




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